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special events


Fellowship Meal - February 2

Following the Worship Service


Mission Sunday - March 2

James Wheeler and Linda Herr

Morning Worship, Fellowship Meal, 1 PM session

Focus will be on work of MCC

in Israel and Gaza


opportunities to connect

Options and ideas for worship, for being church for each other and how to connect with the community.


1]  We are meeting in person for worship services.  


2]  We will also be using ZOOM to worship together online Sunday morning at 10:30 a.m and for Bible Study at 7 p.m. on Thursday evenings. To receive an invitation, please email


3]  Please remember your Discipline of Stewardship by sending in your offering each week.


4]  Continue to pray for health and safety. Pray that our people (and our community) will not live in fear or anxiousness but will have wisdom and discernment.


5]  Set aside a time every Wednesday to pray specifically for Stephens City Mennonite Church as we discern our mission and our future service in this community.

Pictures from retreat 2024
with big spring mennonite church

together we...


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