special events
​​December 15
Bag Lunch
Christmas Caroling 1 PM
opportunities to connect
Options and ideas for worship, for being church for each other and how to connect with the community.
1] We are meeting in person for worship services.
2] We will also be using ZOOM to worship together online Sunday morning at 10:30 a.m and for Bible Study at 7 p.m. on Thursday evenings. To receive an invitation, please email stephenscitymc@gmail.com
3] Please remember your Discipline of Stewardship by sending in your offering each week.
4] Continue to pray for health and safety. Pray that our people (and our community) will not live in fear or anxiousness but will have wisdom and discernment.
5] Set aside a time every Wednesday to pray specifically for Stephens City Mennonite Church as we discern our mission and our future service in this community.