join us for worship!
sunday SERVICES in person and on ZOOM
Season after
Pentecost 2024
You are invited to join us for Worship during the Liturgical season following Pentecost (or Ordinary time). This year the focus is on the life, ministry and teaching of Jesus as seen primarily through the Gospel of Mark.
Artwork by Paula Nash Giltner is licensed under CC BY-SA-NC
adult study group
thursday 7 pm
Christians in the city of Corinth disagreed on how to be faithful followers of Jesus. They were divided on topics such as loyalty to different leaders, sexual ethics, and practices around worship. Paul calls the church to live in unity through Jesus Christ.
You are welcome to join us as we continue our study Paul’s letters to the Church at Corinth and consider what these letters have to say to us today.
Sunday, September 1
10:30 AM
We all judge but??
​ 1 Samuel 16: 4-7; Matthew 7:1-5
Speaker: Denny Myers
Sunday, September 8
10:30 AM
Speaker: Pastor Les Horning
Sunday, September 15
10:30 AM
No service at SCMC
Sunday, September 22
10:30 AM
Speaker: Pastor Les Horning